You made it! You’re a SENIOR! So, looking good in your senior pictures is a must! We have photographed 100’s of seniors and have culminated a list of out Top 5 tips for planning your senior pictures session to ensure you look your best!
- Stay Natural – This is not the time to experiment so our number one tip has always been to get your hair cut at least a week in advance. This will give you plenty of time to “fix it” if you don’t like the way it looks. Girls: Go with a natural look which means you should use a matte foundation and not use anything that will add shine or sparkle and seal it with some properly applied loose powder. Try to use little to no lower eye shadow. As for your hair, loose and flowing is usually the way to go. If you’re still not sure what to do, just ask us! I have a whole creative team that we work with for our actor and model portfolios as well as our editorial photo shoots. We’d love to have them work with you for your session!
- Vote “No” on Props – If it isn’t something you regularly use or carry with you, leave it at home. The prop needs to ooze YOU and your persona. That’s why the cheesy S-E-N-I-O-R letters at the chain portrait studios look so ridiculous … they’re used by tens of thousands of students and don’t have special meaning to anyone! So, don’t think “props” – think ACCESSORIES! Are you the star quarterback on your football team? Bring your jersey and a ball and we’ll hit the field and stadium together! Do you cheer? Dance? Play an instrument? Bring it all! We’ll work it into your session in a way that makes you YOU!
- “Poses” are for Posers – You wouldn’t sit or stand in a dorky way at school, so why would you want a photographer to tell you to sit/stand that way for your senior pictures! “Poses” are not natural and almost always look awkward or worse forced. Keep it real!
- Fake Backgrounds are FAKE – “Green Screens” are for the weather forecasters on the local TV news. They are NOT for senior pictures! Your senior pictures session should be held at a session location that fits your personality. We have yet to meet a senior that wants to be a “Key Grip” in a photography studio, so we don’t do sessions there. Studios are for yearbook head shots – OUTSIDE is for lifestyle senior pictures!
- Own It – It’s your style, so dress the part and be yourself. This is not the time to be shy and timid. Let your personality show in your senior pictures. Wear it! Live it! OWN IT!
That’s it! But, of course, don’t forget to plan out your wardrobe for your session. Selecting the right clothes for the location will help boost your senior pictures from good to GREAT! We put these Senior Pictures Style Guides together for you:
We’d love to work with you this year for your senior pictures! Feel free to contact us online using the form below or call 313-883-9500 for additional information. We’re looking forward to working with you!
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