Last year I posted a Christmas tree photograph I shot to a number of different sites. Since then, I’ve had a lot of questions on where such an amazing tree was located, how I captured it and what tips and tricks I had to offer for them to photograph their own tree. Read below for […]
Difference Between Portraits and Snapshots Wrapup
As I mentioned in my first post suggesting a series on the differences between snapshots and portraits, it’s a reasonable question. If you were to ask the average person with a point-and-shoot digital camera, I doubt they’d be able to give you a answer. Besides, they’re both pictures of a person, right?! But, I’m […]
Difference Between Snapshots and Portraits – Color (Part 5 of 5)
This is the fifth and final installment of my five part discussion on the differences between snapshots and portraits. Differences Between Snapshots and Portraits 1. Light and Exposure 2. Focus and Depth of Field 3. Texture 4. Composition 5. Color Avoid mix and matching color combinations! I selected to discuss color last, simply because I […]
Difference Between Snapshots and Portraits – Composition (Part 4 of 5)
This is the forth installment of my five part discussion on the differences between snapshots and portraits. Differences Between Snapshots and Portraits 1. Light and Exposure 2. Focus and Depth of Field 3. Texture 4. Composition 5. Color Is Negative Space actually … negative?! Perhaps the single largest difference between snapshots and portraits is the […]